Thursday, February 16, 2012


More character design and an unused page with black and white/color comparison.
My stuff always focuses on the disenfranchised in more positive roles. I'm not the "every-person" so I find stories about them, usually, boring. I also have my "liberal agenda" of inserting transgenders as positive role models, not ew jokes or porn. Not that I have anything against porn, but there's a time and place for everything. There's a lot of positive gay characters out there, not so many transgender. Ugly Betty was the only thing I can think of, off the top of my head. And it's cancelled.

I like to do these comparisons between color and black and white. Originally, this was a prologue page, but I went in a different direction. You can also see how the way I draw the characters has evolved. I've gotten more loose and cartoony with them, which is the idea. These were very conservative and still too bound to illustration.

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